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Benefits of Grandparent-Grandchild Relationships - The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog

Benefits of Grandparent-Grandchild Relationships

A close grandparent-grandchild relationship is often a reminder of a strong familial bond. And although they are family, some may wonder how two very different groups of people can help each other live a happier life. But having a strong connection between the two groups at opposite ends of the age spectrum can simultaneously have unique benefits for grandma, grandpa, and their grandchild.

Benefits of Grandparent-Grandchild Relationships

“Thank you for being a friend”

Before I continue on with the rest of the Golden Girl’s theme (although it’s totally applicable here), it’s great to know that grandparents offer some of the strongest friendships available. Sometimes, it’s nice to know you have an older person in your life to visit and talk to about your problems. It can be tough for kids to confide in their friends and trust they won’t share details with others on the playground. One of the greatest grandparent-grandchild benefits is having a stable, open relationship separate parental advice. They really are a pal and a confidant!

“Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff”

On the other end of the end spectrum, you may wonder how the grandparent-grandchild relationship is benefitting the senior in the picture. Well, it’s simple – kids don’t sweat the little things in life that get them down. They don’t have to worry about aches, pains, or bills. And they don’t typically cry over spilled milk – they laugh! Grandchildren help their older counterparts understand that mistakes happen, but you move on; there’s no need to dwell on the past. Just get back out there and keep moving.

“Life is Like Riding a Bicycle. To Keep Your Balance You Must Keep Moving”

Being a grandparent with young grandchildren could potentially mean babysitting. And while no one likes giving up their Saturday night, an important part of aging is staying active. Grandchildren can provide the means for keeping seniors active and nimble. Kids love being outside and getting dirty, and there’s nothing wrong with their grandparent jumping in for a change. They also love arts and crafts, and what’s better than keeping your fingers nimble than by creating a new oven mitt or macaroni necklace? Whether it’s taking them to the park or building a pillow fort, grandchildren will appreciate it, and grandparents have a chance to stay youthful a little longer.

“To be Old and Wise, you Must First be Young and Careless”

One of the many benefits of grandparent-grandchild relationships is the passage of experiences and knowledge upon the youth. There are so many questions grandchildren can ask their elders.Whether they want to learn about how their grandparent grew up, or even know more about their parents, seniors are the best source for kids. Grandparents can sometimes feel lonely as they age without kids around to entertain. So, when their grandchild takes an interest in them and what they have to offer, it can open a world of possibilities for both groups.


Author: scadmin

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