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5 Tips for Caring for Senior Veterans - The Caring Chronicles | Senior Caring Blog

5 Tips for Caring for Senior Veterans

Caring for senior veterans can be physically and emotionally exhausting. They have experienced a different way of life than most of us in terms of lifestyle, discipline, and many other factors. Many senior veterans have also been exposed to traumatic situations that many of us can’t even begin to imagine. Senior veterans may require a different approach to caregiving because of these factors. Below are some guidelines we found to be helpful in caring for senior veterans.

5 Tips for Caring for Senior Veterans

1. Have Patience

When caring for senior veterans, it is very important to practice the art of patience. For any senior, it can be hard to accept the role reversal and that they need help. Remember that your loved one is still human and that it’s not easy for him/her either.

If the veteran suffers from PTSD, they may become angry or irritable more easily. Try to stay calm, and don’t lash out at them if they act out. To act with patience when caring for someone with PTSD, research and learn as much as you can about the disorder. This can help you gain a better understanding of why they do the things that they do or help you avoid triggers. It is also common for combat veterans to feel more intense levels of anger, but try to let them move through their emotions and have tolerance.

2. Allow Independence

Veterans tend to have great pride in their independence since they were trained to be self-reliable and in control. If your loved one is still able to independently perform tasks, don’t take that freedom away from them. If you see their independent ability starting to decline, try to do some research and check if there are any ways to help without stripping their sense of pride from them. If financials provide, there are many safety products available to help seniors maintain their independence for as long as possible.

3. Communicate

Having a conversation with a veteran can make a huge difference in their day. They’ve likely lost many friends and company throughout their life, so you might be one of the only people they can talk to. Don’t just brush them off when they try making conversation – chat with them and really try to engage. Often times, they have great stories to tell and you will truly enjoy the conversation. Even if it’s not about their military experience, invest in a meaningful dialogue. This will show them that they are still important and that you care.

4. Pay Attention

Always remember to pay attention when caring for senior veterans. This can go along with communicating, as you should pay attention during conversations. But in addition to listening to their verbal communications, pay attention to non-verbal signs. If they react a certain way to a question or something you do, take note of that. Paying attention can help avoid possible conflicts and also show them that you care.

5. Make Good Memories

With the trauma senior veterans have likely experienced, they might not have the best memories. It’s your turn to try and place some good memories in their brain, so attempt to do some fun activities with them. Of course, the level of health can affect the level of activity possible, but even just talking and enjoying company can be a great memory. Make an effort to find out what they like to do, and see if it’s possible. You might have to tweak some things to make it doable, but the effort will truly be appreciated. Check out some popular spring and winter activities for seniors to help you get started.

Author: scadmin

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